Religious Education


Information about our Religious Education program and registration forms are available on the Religious Education website.

To visit our Religious Education website click here

Mission Statement

To establish and maintain programs of religious instruction, sacramental preparation and information concerning the faith that promotes a deeper understanding of the faith and the continual spiritual growth of parishioners of all age levels.

Religious education today is the effort to help people grow in understanding, experience, and involvement in faith and Church. We as the Church believe that head, heart and hands are all essential to growth in Christian faith: understanding the message of Jesus and His Church (head), experiencing what it means to be Church through prayer and other action (heart), and serving Christ’s presence in others (hands). These are three interlocking circles, each one religious education and each one necessary.

This statement means that our religious education program offers you opportunities to complement and support what happens in yourself and in your home. The parish programs we are publicizing these days have one overall purpose — to help us all mature in what it means to be Catholic Christians. Without your participation and involvement, our efforts are incomplete. Please consider the programs, which are designed to meet your needs.



Rectory & Hours

622 Putnam Pike
Greenville, RI 02828
P: (401) 949-1500

Monday-Friday: 8:30am to 4:30pm

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